vim is the desired editor for most of the Perl programmers. This .vimrc is recommended by Damien conway in Perl Best practices book
set autoindent "Preserve current indent on new lines
set textwidth=78 "Wrap at this column
set backspace=indent, eol, start "Make backspaces delete sensibly
set tabstop=4 "Indentation levels every four columns
set expandtab "Convert all tabs typed to spaces
set shiftwidth=4 "Indent/outdent by four columns
set shiftround "Indent/outdent to nearest tabstop
set matchpairs+=<: > "Allow % to bounce between angles too
"Inserting these abbreviations inserts the corresponding Perl statement. . .
iab phbp #! /usr/bin/perl –w
iab pdbg use Data: : Dumper ' Dumper' ; warn Dumper [ ] ; ^[ hi
iab pbmk use Benchmark qw( cmpthese ); ^Mcmpthese -10, {}; ^[ O
iab pusc use Smart: : Comments; ###
iab putm use Test: : More qw( no_plan );
iab papp ^[ : r ~/. code_templates/perl_application. pl^
iab pmod ^[ : r ~/. code_templates/perl_module. pm
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