ldapcmp is the tool which can be used to compare directory branches from two servers. This will compare all the entries in the branch including all the attributes in the branch
ldapcmp -h hostA -h hostB -s sub -b "branch_path"
usage: ldapcmp -b basedn [options] [attributes...]
basedn base dn for search
(if the environment variable LDAP_BASEDN is set,
then the -b flag is not required)
-s scope one of base, one, or sub (default is sub)
-l timelim time limit (in seconds) for search (default is no limit)
-z sizelim size limit (in entries) for search (default is no limit)
-n show what would be done but don't actually do it
-v run in verbose mode (diagnostics to standard output)
-h host LDAP server1 name or IP address (default: localhost)
-p port LDAP server1 TCP port number (default: 389)
-h host LDAP server2 name or IP address (default: localhost)
-p port LDAP server2 TCP port number (default: 389)
-V n LDAP protocol version number (2 or 3; default: 3)
-ZZ start TLS request
-ZZZ enforce start TLS request (successful server response required)
-Z make an SSL-encrypted connection
-P pathname path to SSL certificate database (default: current directory)
-N name of certificate to use for SSL client authentication
-K pathname path to key database to use for SSL client authentication
(default: path to certificate database provided with -P option)
-m pathname path to security module database
-W SSL key password
-W - prompt for SSL key password
-I file SSL key password 'file' containing token:password pair/s
-Q [token][:certificate name] PKCS 11
-3 check hostnames in SSL certificates
-D binddn bind dn
-w passwd bind passwd (for simple authentication)
-w - prompt for bind passwd (for simple authentication)
-j file read bind passwd from 'file' (for simple authentication)
-E ask server to expose (report) bind identity
-g do not send a password policy request control
-R do not automatically follow referrals
-O limit maximum number of referral hops to traverse (default: 5)
-M manage references (treat them as regular entries)
-0 ignore LDAP library version mismatches
-i charset character set for command line input (default taken from locale)
use '-i 0' to override locale settings and bypass any conversions
-k do not convert password to utf8 (use default from locale)
-Y proxyid proxied authorization id,
e.g, dn:uid=bjensen,dc=example,dc=com
-H display usage information
-J controloid[:criticality[:value|::b64value|:
ldapcmp -h exmaple.host.com -h example1.host.com -s sub -b "o=176,ou=grpStructure,o=com"
different: type
1: SA 55
2: PA 55
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